Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2021: Wishes, quotes, Whatsapp Status, Messages, SMS, and greetings

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Wishes 2021
Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2021

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas wishes:

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas wishes:- जो लोग अन्यंत्र कारणों से अपना देश छोड़कर दुनिया के अन्य देशों में जाकर बसे हैं, उन्हें ‘प्रवासी भारतीय’ (Bharatiya Pravasi Divas) कहा जाता है | प्राप्त आंकड़ों के अनुसार 110 देशों में लगभग ढाई करोड़ अप्रवासी भारतीय जीवन यापन कर रहे हैं |

इनमें से 11 देशों में 5 लाख से ज्यादा प्रवासी भारतीय वहां की औसत जनसंख्या का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं और वहां की आर्थिक व राजनीतिक दशा एवं दिशा को तय करने में अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं | चूंकि इन प्रवासी भारतीयों की आर्थिक, शैक्षणिक एवं व्यावसायिक दक्षता काफी मजबूत होती है, इसलिए भारत की आर्थिक पृष्ठभूमि के लिए उनका विशेष महत्व होता है |

प्रवासी भारतीय द‍िवस (Pravasi Bhartiya Divas) हर साल 9 जनवरी को मनाया जाता है | प्रवासी भारतीय द‍िवस पहली बार साल 2003 में मनाया गया था | जिसके बाद से यह हर साल मनाया जाने लगा | यह दिवस देश में कई जगहों पर मनाया जाता है |

पिछले साल 2019 में प्रवासी भारतीय द‍िवस वाराणसी में मनाया गया था | वहीं, साल 2018 में यह दिवस सिंगापुर में मनाया गया था | प्रवासी भारतीय द‍िवस के मौके पर हर साल भारत सरकार अमूमन तीन दिवसीय सम्‍मेलन का आयोजन करती है | इस सम्‍मेलन में विदेश में रह रहे उन भारतीयों को आमंत्र‍ित कर सम्‍मान‍ित किया जाता है जिन्‍होंने अपने-अपने क्षेत्र में व‍िशेष उपलब्‍धि हासिल कर भारत का नाम व‍िश्‍व पटल पर गौरवान्‍वित किया हो |

इस तरह उन्हें दोहरी जिम्मेदारियों को वहन करना होता है | प्रवासी भारतीयों को अपनी सांस्कृतिक एवं भाषाई विरासत को बनाए रखने के कारण ही साझा पहचान मिली है | यही बात उन्हें अपने देश से हमेशा जोड़े रखता है | इस रिश्ते को प्रगाढ़ बनाये रखने के लिए भारत सरकार द्वारा प्रत्येक वर्ष 09 जनवरी को ‘प्रवासी भारतीय दिवस’ मनाया जाता है |

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas wishes:

Unfortunately, some worshippers of black money are projecting our efforts as anti-public

For me, FDI not only stands for Foreign Direct investment but also for First Developed India

I thank the overseas Indian community for their support in the fight against black money and corruption

Will launch skill development program, Pravasi Kaushal Vikas Yojna for Indian youth who seek employment overseas.

NRIs and PIOs have made outstanding contributions to their chosen fields. They are role models for immigrants from other backgrounds and countries…. They take our values and culture wherever they go.

Pravasi divas a tribute to a great pravasi, Mahatma Gandhi

The true identity of this event is you, the overseas Indians. It is a matter of pride for us that you all are here to attend this

There are over 30 million overseas Indians living abroad. They are not just respected for their numbers, but for the contributions they make

When people spoke of brain drain, it was believed that the brighter people went abroad seeking employment opportunities… but we are converting that brain drain to brain gain

For those workers who seek economic opportunities abroad, our effort is to provide maximum facilitation and ensure the least inconvenience

Every life is a journey, regardless of whether you stay in one place, live like a global nomad, or end up being something in between

Even in darkness, there is light and that is spiritually illuminated India.

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Messages:-

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is a day to celebrate the citizens of our country residing in other countries and working for their own country.

A particular day is NRI Day as it brings together all the people of the country together and keeps them linked to their motherland.

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas gives a sense of belonging to one’s country to the people who are settled in different foreign countries but still have that feeling of the nation inside them.

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is a message to all the citizens of the country settled or working in foreign countries that the nation supports their dedication and work for the development of the country.

A feeling of harmony and respect rises with NRI Day’s celebration, bringing together people from around the world with the same roots of this proud country.

The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is observed by the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India along with other development organizations for external affairs. 

The NRI Day is not only a celebratory event but also includes award-winning ceremonies for people who make this country proud across the world, even being a non-resident of the state.

A great day is the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas marking the return of Mahatma Gandhi to India from South Africa in 1915 and making this day extra special.

In India’s national language, this day is also known as the “ Pravasi Bharatiya Divas.” 

Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is an excellent opportunity for all those people to achieve great things in their respective professions across the world and make the country proud.



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