Happy Raksha Bandhan 2021:-
भाई और बहनों के प्रेम का त्योहार रक्षाबंधन इस वर्ष 22 अगस्त दिन रविवार को है | श्रावण मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाने वाला राखी का त्यौहार भाई-बहन के रिश्ते को और भी मजबूत बना देता है | इस दिन का इंतजार हर बहन और भाई को होता है | इस दिन बहन अपने भाई के माथे पर तिलक लगाती है, राखी बांधती है, मिठाई खिलाती है और भाई अपनी बहन की रक्षा का वचन देता है | उसके सुख-दुख में साथ रहने का वादा करता है | भाई भी जीवन पर बहन के हर सुख और दुख में शामिल होने तथा उनकी सुरक्षा का वचन देते हैं |
कोरोना वायरस की वजह से भले ही इस त्योहार की रौनक थोड़ी फीकी पड़ी है, लेकिन भाई-बहन के रिश्ते में पहले से भी ज्यादा मिठास आ गई है | वैसे तो इस खास दिन पर हर बहन कोशिश करती है कि वो अपने भाई की कलाई पर प्रेम का धागा बांध सके, लेकिन अगर किसी कारणवश भाई-बहन इस पर्व पर ना मिल पा रहे हों तो वे मैसेज के जरिए विश कर सकते हैं |
Raksha Bandhan Wishes, Messages, SMS in Hindi:-
तोड़े से भी न टूटे
ये ऐसा बंधन है
इस बंधन को सारी दुनिया
कहती रक्षा बंधन है।। राखी की शुभकामनाएं
ये लम्हा कुछ खास है
बहन के हाथों में भाई का हाथ है
ओ बहना, तेरे लिए मेरे पास कुछ खास है
तेरे सुकून की खातिर
तेरा भाई हमेशा तेरे साथ है।। रक्षा बंधन की शुभकामनाएं
ये रक्षा बंधन का पावन त्योहार
लाता है खुशियों की बहार
चारो तरफ हैं खुशियां छाई
भैया आपको राखी की ढेर सारी बधाई।। हैप्पी रक्षा बंधन

जन्मों का ये बंधन है
स्नेह और विश्वास का
और भी गहरा हो जाता है ये रिश्ता
जब बंधता है धागा रक्षा बंधन के प्यार का।।
जन्मों का ये बंधन है
स्नेह और विश्वास का
और भी गहरा हो जाता है ये रिश्ता
जब बंधता है धागा रक्षा बंधन के प्यार का।। रक्षा बंधन की शुभकामनाएं
Raksha Bandhan Wishes, Messages, SMS in English:-
You are my best friend, my guide, my mentor and my guardian. I know that you are just a thought away and for that, I’m eternally grateful. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Thank you for being my partner in crime and my loudest cheerleader. I love you today and always. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Happy Raksha Bandhan to my biggest secret-keeper and my pillar of strength. With you as my sister/ brother, I don’t need much else.
You must have done something right that God blessed you with a sibling like me. For laughing at this and all my other bad jokes, thank you. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
We are miles apart from each other but are still connected as we are entrenched in each other’s hearts forever. Happy Rakhi!
From being my bully to my protector, you have been the best sibling I could ask for. Happy Rakhi!
Dear sister/brother, I promise to always protect you, today and always. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Thank you for understanding my silence as well as making sense of my gibberish. Growing up with you has been a celebration like no other.
I can’t thank my stars enough to be born as your sister/brother. You will always be my hero. Happy Rakhi!
May this Raksha Bandhan bring love, light and endless happiness. You deserve it all and more.
It has been an absolute honour to call you my sibling. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Thinking of you and all the memories we have created together on this special day. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
I cannot imagine how colourless my life would have been had it not been for your charm and love. Happy Rakhi, brother/sister!
No one understands me as you do. You are my strongest ally and closest companion. Happy Rakhi, dear sister/brother!
Distance can do little to separate those who are linked by the heart. Sending you love and wishes on this special day. Happy Raksha Bandhan.

Happy Raksha Bandhan Quotes in English:-
A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.
My brother may not always be at my side but he is always in my heart.
As we grew up, my brothers acted like they didn’t care, but I always knew they looked out for me and were there!
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.
Being a big sister is to love your brother, even if he does not want it or love you in return.
Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk
Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.

Happy Raksha Bandhan Facebook and Whatsapp status:-
On this Rakhi, let’s bring back the lively spirit of childhood, play pranks with each other, and become that wacky sibling we were always. Happy Raksha Bandhan
That one Rakhi has a strong power to prove my love for you. And that one Rakhi proves your sense of security towards me. Happy Rakhi!
This holy thread you tie on my wrist will strengthen our bond more and fills my heart with more love for you. You are the best sis in the world! Happy Raksha Bandhan!
May this thread of love bring in your life countless joys, prosperity, success, and peace.
May this sacred bond, between us, grow each day stronger and our affection manifold increase. Happy Raksha Bandhan!
“Rakhi is just an excuse for me to express myself. You mean the world to me. Lots of happiness from your brother.”
I wish you “Happy Rakhi” and I pray to God for your prosperous life.
Hope the occasion of Rakhi,
Brings along Happiness & luck
for you and your loved ones &
gives you infinite reasons to celebrate each moment in your life
Happy Raksha bandhan
On Rakhi
Dear Brother
I just want to let you know
You mean the world to me
You were always there,
that shows how much you reaslly care
I feel blessed having a brother just like you.
“This Raksha Bandhan, I pray to God that, may our bond of love continue to grow stronger with each passing year.”
You have always stood by me, encouraged me with your inspiring words,
and helped me overcome my failures
Dear brother, thanks for all that you have done for me.
Happy Raksha Bandhan!
Every Rakhi reminds us how we used to fight in childhood for gifts, attention and love. Happy Rakhi Brother
“May this Rakhi brings everything to you and fulfill your dreams and desire, May success accompany you in every step that you take in your life. Have a wonderful rakhi”
Brothers and sisters know very well what’s in each other’s hearts. They share some of the best moments of life with one another. Their bonding is just precious and timeless!
Thank you so much for being my candy little brother. I’m so happy to have a brother like you. I want you plenty of prosperity, love, and happiness in this stunning event. Glad Raksha Bandhan.
I pray for our bond to be stronger with the time. I desire our like to grow with each passing day. Out of all of the pals, you are the closest I’ve my truest buddy. Its approaches so much to have my again watched by way of my own blood. Glad Raksha Bandhan Bhai
Distance is just a mere wide variety for us. Regardless of how far we can be from one another, my Rakhi will reach my brother on time. I wish you joy and happiness in this first-rate occasion. Happy Raksha Bandhan my dear bro.
Dear Brother, on this Raksha Bandhan I wish to say that you are the best brother and you mean to me the whole world. Happy Raksha Badhan.